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Posts by category
- Category: Background Reading
- Category: BCP Reflections
- Encouraging Words from the PBSC’s Episcopal Visitor
- “These Our Prayers”
- A Review of the 2019 ACNA Prayer Book
- On Changing Lectionaries
- What the Hijabi Witnessed
- Comfortable Words (Book)
- Advent to Christmas in the BCP Lectionary
- New Prayer Books for Wycliffe College Chapel
- Giving Thanks for Christ Church Cemetery, Poplar Lake, Alberta
- Confessions of a Prayer Book Junkie
- The Daily Offices and the Pattern of Common Prayer
- Easter in Advent and Christmas in Lent
- Language, Scripture and Doctrine
- A Millennial on Christianity and the BCP
- Remembering P.D. James
- The Prayer Book and Wycliffe College
- The Prayer Book in Mandarin
- The Bishop of London on the BCP
- The Prayer Book and the Modern Age
- In Defence of Set Forms of Common Prayer
- “The Word of God Is Not Bound”
- The Prayer of Humble Access
- Two Services and Two Continents
- Trusting God’s Providence
- The Portable Prayer Book
- Ian Robinson Obituary
- Understanding the Prayer Book
- “The Scriptural BCP”
- A Liturgy of Comfort
- The “Anglican Way” Conference of 2024
- Our Great Inheritance
- A Memoir: Harold Lee Nutter
- Canada’s Prayer Book
- Rare and Unique Prayer Books
- Recommended Reading: Images of Pilgrimage
- “He Learned Obedience Through What He Suffered”
- The Orphan Child of the Book of Alternative Services
- St. Matthew’s Viking, Alberta: The Mission Continues
- Choral Evensong at St. George’s Church, London, Ontario
- Category: Featured Devotional
- Category: Featured Misc
- Category: Featured News
- Category: J. I. Packer
- Category: Lectionary Devotions by Bishop Hawkins
- Trinity 20: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Pentecost: Michael Hawkins
- Trinity 6: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 10: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity Sunday: Michael Hawkins
- Transfiguration: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Transfiguration: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Ascension 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Pentecost: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 2: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 5: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 4: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 7: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 8: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 9: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 11: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 12: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 16: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 17: Bishop Michael Hawkins (1)
- Trinity 13: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 14: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 15: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 19: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 22: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 18: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Trinity 21: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 23: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 24: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Trinity 25: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Next Before Advent: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Advent 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins (1)
- Advent 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Advent 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 3)
- Christmas Eve: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Christmas 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- Christmas Eve: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Christmas Eve: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 3)
- Christmas 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
- The Sunday after the Ascension: Father Gethin (2)
- Circumcision: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 4: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 5: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 2: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 6: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Lent 2: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Sexagesima: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Quinquagesima: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Lent 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Lent 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Lent 4: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Passion Sunday: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Epiphany 5: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Easter Sunday: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Easter 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Palm Sunday: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Easter 2: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Easter 3: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Easter 4: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Rogation: Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Lent 2: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 2)
- Sexagesima (2): Bishop Michael Hawkins
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 3)
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 4)
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 5)
- Christmas Day: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 6)
- Christmas 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 3)
- Christmas 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 4)
- Christmas 1: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 5)
- Category: Lectionary Devotions by Father Gethin
- The Sunday after the Ascension: Father Gethin
- Passion Sunday (Lent 5): Father Gethin
- Advent 4: Father Gethin
- Trinity 13: Father Gethin
- Trinity 19: Father Gethin
- Trinity 5: Father Gethin
- Advent 1: Father Gethin
- Advent 2: Father Gethin
- Advent 3: Father Gethin
- Epiphany 3: Father Gethin
- The Octave Day of Christmas: Father Gethin
- Epiphany: Father Gethin
- Epiphany 2: Father Gethin
- Easter 2: Father Gethin
- Sexagesima: Father Gethin
- Quinquagesima: Father Gethin
- Lent 1: Father Gethin
- Lent 2: Father Gethin
- Lent 3: Father Gethin
- Lent 4: Father Gethin
- Palm Sunday: Father Gethin
- Maundy Thursday: Father Gethin
- Good Friday: Father Gethin
- Holy Saturday: Father Gethin
- Easter Day: Father Gethin
- Easter 1: Father Gethin
- Easter 3: Father Gethin
- Easter 4: Father Gethin
- Rogation: Father Gethin
- Pentecost: Father Gethin
- Trinity Sunday: Father Gethin (Reflection 1)
- Trinity 8: Father Gethin
- Trinity 1: Father Gethin
- Trinity 2: Father Gethin
- Trinity 3: Father Gethin
- Trinity 9: Father Gethin
- Trinity 10: Father Gethin
- Trinity Sunday: Father Gethin (Reflection 2)
- Trinity 1: Father Gethin (2)
- Trinity 2: Father Gethin (2)
- Trinity 3: Father Gethin (2)
- Trinity 4: Father Gethin
- Trinity 11: Father Gethin
- St. James the Apostle: Father Gethin
- Trinity 6: Father Gethin
- Trinity 11: Father Gethin (1)
- Trinity 7: Father Gethin
- Trinity 9: Father Gethin (2)
- Trinity 13: Father Gethin (2)
- Trinity 12: Father Gethin
- Trinity 12: Father Gethin (1)
- Trinity 22: Father Gethin
- Trinity 14: Father Gethin
- Trinity 15: Father Gethin
- Trinity 16: Father Gethin
- Trinity 17: Father Gethin
- Trinity 18: Father Gethin
- Trinity 20: Father Gethin
- Trinity 23: Father Gethin
- All Saints: Father Gethin
- St. Luke: Father Gethin
- Next Before Advent: Father Gethin
- Trinity 21: Father Gethin
- Pentecost: Father Gethin (2)
- Easter 1: Father Gethin (2)
- Easter 2: Father Gethin (2)
- Easter 3: Father Gethin (2)
- Easter 4: Father Gethin (2)
- Rogation: Father Gethin (2)
- Epiphany 4: Father Gethin
- Christmas Day: Father Gethin
- Trinity 24: Father Gethin
- Category: News & Announcements
- New Daily Office Mobile App from PBSC
- Reconciliation Prayer
- Two Tributes in honour of J.I. Packer
- Rave Reviews for the BCP app
- PBSC Response to the Commission on the Marriage Canon
- The PBSC – 25 Years On
- 2022 Bursaries for Theological Students
- St. Jude’s Cathedral in Iqaluit has a new dean!
- The Diamond Jubilee of the Prayer Book
- News from Iqaluit
- 2022 Anniversary Liturgical Suggestions
- Prayer for Reconciliation with the Jewish People Receives Final Approval
- PBSC Annual General Meeting 2023
- Work in Progress on the BCP App, March 2023
- Update on the Old Testament Lections Project
- 2023 Bursaries for Theological Students
- St. Michael’s Youth Conference
- Work in Progress on the Common Prayer Canada App
- The Works of Robert Crouse
- Audio Added to the Common Prayer Canada App
- PBSC Annual General Meeting 2024
- A New Honorary President for the PBSC
- 2024 Bursaries for Theological Students
- Category: Resource Educational
- Category: Resource Liturgical
- Category: Robert Crouse
- The Spirituality of Advent
- Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion
- “The Form of Sound Words”
- In Memoriam: The Revd. Dr. Robert Crouse
- That They May Be Made Perfect In One
- The Lectionary – The Heart of the Prayer Book System
- Anglican Spirituality & the Book of Common Prayer
- Hope Which Does Not Disappoint
- Eucharistic Doctrine in the Prayer Book
- The BCP in Historical and Theological Perspective
- The Essence of Anglicanism
- Category: Scholarly Articles
- The Recovery of Biblical Worship
- Doctrinal Instruments of Salvation
- New Testament Christianity in the BCP
- Filled with the Knowledge of His Will
- Good Manners
- The Devotional Use of the BCP
- Solemn Declaration and the Place of Holy Scripture
- Some Observations on the Daily Offices
- Understanded of the People
- Resurrection People
- The Prayer Book as a Guide to Practical Christian Living
- The Daily Offices
- The Prayer Book in an Age of Nintendo
- The Solemn Declaration: The Net of Memory
- Something Understood: Doctrine in Devotion
- The Eucharistic Heart of the Prayer Book
- The Prayer Book and Revision
- Unchurching Common Prayer
- Comfortable Words: A Series of Reflections
- Category: Uncategorized