Trinity Sunday: Father Gethin (Reflection 2)

Only in the immediate, continuous, and clearly known communion of our souls with God can we find the perfect peace and joy that is our true heart’s desire…
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Only in the immediate, continuous, and clearly known communion of our souls with God can we find the perfect peace and joy that is our true heart’s desire…
Read moreAs we draw once again toward Pentecost, and to the climactic finale of the first half of the Church year, which began with the preparation for the coming of the Lord in Advent, we are meant to find ourselves encouraged and consoled with the assurances shared by St. Peter in today’s epistle.
Read moreChrist is more than a prophet, and more than a collection of wisdoms and insight; He is Wisdom itself, and His meaning and purpose can only properly be found where they eternally reside: in Himself.
Read moreAnd so, the trouble of this fallen world is summed up in this phrase: though we may long for God, how shall we find Him, once we have lost both Him, and ourselves?
Read moreJohn knew who he was—even claimed without any hesitation a Scriptural title for himself—because he also knew, more clearly than anything, who Jesus was. From this point of faithful certainty, all other spiritual vision and understanding proceeds.
Read moreJohn the Baptist, who we meet in today’s Gospel, represents for us the whole spirit and character of this Advent season, and it is by way of encouraging and enlightening that character in each of us that Advent guides our steps toward the feast of our Lord’s Nativity.
Read moreNow we are reminded that the Messiah comes to us not only as Lord and Saviour, but also as Judge, just as He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end all things in creation: “then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
Read moreOur hearts turn once again from their present occupations to behold this thing that is coming to pass, and we cry out with the multitudes, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
Read moreToday is sometimes called ‘Stir Up Sunday’, because of the wonderful opening line from our collect: ‘stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people.’ We pray, in other words, for zeal…
Read moreWe who were once lost and blind are made the cause of thanks and prayers in our fellow-Christians, who find in our faith, bearing its fruit in love, encouragement for their own spiritual journey.
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