Trinity 15: Bishop Michael Hawkins (Sermon 1)
Three times Jesus tells us, “Do not be anxious.” It can all sound like the lyrics to that painfully peppy song, “Don’t worry, be happy.” I know that your worries and anxieties are real…
Celebrating the Book of Common Prayer since 1986
Three times Jesus tells us, “Do not be anxious.” It can all sound like the lyrics to that painfully peppy song, “Don’t worry, be happy.” I know that your worries and anxieties are real…
The Cross of our Saviour’s agony is the well-spring of our glory… the Cross always stands before us, and leads us on our pilgrimage through time, from death to life, as the emblem of our hope and courage, and the promise of our final peace and blessing…
We are delighted to report that at the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the PBSC, recently retired Bishop Michael Hawkins was elected as its new Honorary President, in recognition of his long-standing support of the Society.
PBSC National Chairman the Revd. Canon Dr. Gordon Maitland reflects upon the “Page 230” traditional language eucharistic rite contained in the Book of Alternative Services, and speculates on the reasons for its inclusion.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Prayer Book Society of Canada was held via Zoom on Saturday, May 11th. The financial statements and the reports that were presented at the meeting can be read here.
Our longstanding goal of adding audio content has begun to come to fruition! Musical setting audio, voiced by Heidi Fewster, can now be heard for Compline.
Including items from two Canadian Anglican theological giants, the Revd. Dr. J.I. Packer and the Revd. Dr. Robert Crouse.
The Revd. Ben Crosby, an Episcopal priest studying at McGill University, reflects upon his initiative to offer a weekly chapel service of BCP Holy Communion in an “unashamedly traditional Anglican manner”, following the ceremonial that was normative for Anglicanism through most of its existence.
An address given by Dr. Packer to members of the PBSC on November 2nd, 1996 at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Kitchener, Ontario. Dr. Packer gives a penetrating analysis of the meaning and importance of Scriptural authority.
In this address delivered in Toronto in 2004, Dr. Crouse explains the coherence and interconnectedness of the Bible readings that are appointed in the Prayer Book eucharistic lectionary for Lent and the three Sundays preceding it.
Dr. Jesse Billett of the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College, Toronto, explains how the 1962 Canadian BCP remains true to the foundational principles of the Anglican way of being Christian, and highlights the theological consensus that was a hallmark of the book.
Read it now: The Book of Common Prayer, “a book so scriptural that it is full of scripture from one end to the other, and built altogether upon it!”
This free, user-friendly app automatically generates the daily BCP services for any day of the year, including the Psalms, Bible lessons, collects and seasonal variations.
Offered here are a teen education curriculum, a book trilogy on the Prayer Book, and three video series on the Bible and the BCP, the Holy Trinity, and Baptism prep.
Peruse booklets on how to lead Prayer Book services, audio recordings of BCP service music, and auxiliary service material for Holy Week.