“Parish Alive” Video Series
1. Make Disciples of All Nations
This was the first educational DVD produced by the “Parish Alive!” initiative, a former project of the PBSC. It contains a 20-minute baptism preparation course, led by the Rt. Revd. Dr. Stephen Andrews, who was at that time (2004) the President of Thorneloe University in Sudbury. Bishop Andrews is a widely respected New Testament scholar, and is well known as a warm, thoughtful and engaging speaker. He explains the reasons for baptism as well as the concepts of grace, sacraments and original sin, and provides advice and encouragement for teaching children after baptism and fostering their spiritual development and growth in the Christian life.
2. The Trinity Today: God’s Mystery Unveiled to Us
This was the second educational DVD produced by the “Parish Alive!” initiative. It contains a study series on the Holy Trinity, consisting of four 12- to 20-minute segments, led by Dr. Edith Humphrey who was at the time Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Dr. Humphrey eloquently invites us to explore aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity, and with warm conviction enlarges upon what they mean for us as believers.
- Part 1: The Knowledge of the Trinity as Our Astonishing Inheritance
Dr. Humphrey takes us through the amazing concept of what it means to call ourselves children of God. God gives us a mission, entrusting us with a gradual understanding of the mystery of what He is doing and who He is, as encapsulated in the ancient Creeds.
- Part 2: The One and the Three: Understanding the Trinity as Revealed and Concealed
Dr. Humphrey presents the doctrine and Name of the Trinity as hinted at over the course of the Old Testament and finally revealed in the New, and shows how through our life in the Church we are to be kept in this same Name and family.
- Part 3: In His Image: Trinity, Humanity and the Church
Dr. Humphrey reflects upon what it means to be created in the divine image, and discusses the insight that since the Godhead consists of three co-equal but distinct Persons, acting as one but deliberating in the plural, our lives in the Church should mirror this.
- Part 4: Action for His World: The Trinity and the Good News
Dr. Humphrey shows that order, submission and headship are not the enemy of liberty and mutual honour, and that it is through exercising each of these as needed that our personhood is forged, and our Church and world are renewed.