Easter 4: Father Gethin (2)
As we pass into the last days of Eastertide, our focus begins to shift, as Jesus’ teaching also shifts, from the meaning of His Resurrected person, to the promise His Resurrection proclaims…
Read moreCelebrating the Book of Common Prayer since 1986
As we pass into the last days of Eastertide, our focus begins to shift, as Jesus’ teaching also shifts, from the meaning of His Resurrected person, to the promise His Resurrection proclaims…
Read moreThe final work of Our Lord’s earthly ministry is to prepare His followers for the strange, and in some ways painful event of His earthly departure at the Ascension. ‘Because I have said these things, sorrow hath filled your heart’…
Read moreWhatever we give, whether our weekly tithes, or special gifts or endowments, these are acknowledgements that we are stewards, that all things come of God, that every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above.
Read moreThis chronological survey by Peter Scotchmer demonstrates the impact of the Prayer Book on the work of 45 major writers from Shakespeare to T.S. Eliot. Copies are still available.
Read moreLike the people of Israel, who longed for the restoration of their earthly kingdom, we must come to accept that our faith is not a vessel of earthly reward; it is not for the glorification of this mortal life that Jesus suffers, but so that we may pass from this earthly way into His own, heavenly, kingdom.
Read moreAs we make our way through the gracious and peaceful season of Eastertide, our Sunday readings take care not only to make plain the Easter Proclamation, ‘Alleluia, Christ is Risen!’, but also to begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the next stage in the story…
Read moreThe question we ask ourselves, perhaps not out loud, but privately, in the dark thoughts and feelings which we so often keep to ourselves, is this: Is it worth it? Is it all worth it all?
Read more“The sheep give their lives for the Shepherd.” This is how it works in the world… We have grown so accustomed to the image of the Good Shepherd, in all ages one of the most popular representations of Christ, that we miss the radical way in which Jesus redefines shepherding.
Read more“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” All true authority, all true claims of dominion and power and honour, depend on the leader’s willingness to provide for the common good out of his own person, which is to say, by laying down his own life.
Read moreAs the fulfillment of His earthly life and ministry, the forty days of our Lord’s Resurrected presence provide us with a series of cameos or episodes, in which we find His mandate for us as His disciples and followers become more clearly and sharply focussed…
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