Search Results For: calendar

The Calendar

The Holy-days which are appointed to be observed, commonly called the Red Letter Days, are printed in heavy type. The other entries, which are commonly called the Black Letter Days, are partly lesser commemorations, which may be observed in accordanceRead more

Bishop Michael Hawkins

Bishop Hawkins

The Rt. Revd. Michael Hawkins, retired Bishop of Saskatchewan, was elected to the position of Honorary President of the PBSC at the Society’s Annual General Meeting in 2024. Bishop Hawkins did his undergraduate degree at the University of King’s CollegeRead more

Father Gethin Edward

Fr. Gethin Edward was born and raised on Prince Edward Island. A cradle Anglican, he grew up attending St. Peter’s Cathedral in Charlottetown, where his faith was formed and fostered by the Common Prayer tradition. During his teens, encouraged byRead more

The Original Preface (1549)

THE ORIGINAL PREFACE (1549) ALTERED IN 1552 AND 1662 CONCERNING THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH THERE was never any thing by the wit of man so well devised, or so sure established, which in continuance of time hath not beenRead more

The Preface (1662)

THE PREFACE PREFIXED AT THE REVISION OF 1662 IT hath been the wisdom of the Church of England, ever since the first compiling of her Public Liturgy, to keep the mean between the two extremes, of too much stiffness inRead more

The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels

THE COLLECTS EPISTLES AND GOSPELS Navigate below. Advent 1 Advent 2 Advent 3 Advent Ember Days Advent 4 Christmas Day Saint Stephen Saint John the Evangelist The Innocents Sunday after Christmas Octave Day of Christmas Epiphany Baptism of our LordRead more

BCP Online

Open Book

Read it now: The Book of Common Prayer, “a book so scriptural that it is full of scripture from one end to the other, and built altogether upon it!”

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