Comfortable Words:
The Influence of the Book of Common Prayer
on Life and Literature
To mark the 30th anniversary of its founding (in 2016), the PBSC sponsored the publication of a book that demonstrates the importance to English-speaking culture of the Prayer Book, by presenting excerpts from literary works from 45 different writers over four centuries, from Shakespeare to T.S. Eliot, including references to Charlotte Bronte, P.D. James, and Robertson Davies among others, all of whose quoted work shows Prayer Book influences. The book also demonstrates praise showered on the Prayer Book by such modern writers as C.S. Lewis, W.H. Auden, Rudolf Otto and Roger Scruton. It is not an academic study or a work of reference, but has been written as an historical survey that does not require any prior knowledge of literature or theology. It is an expanded version of a popular evening interest course taught in 2015 in Ottawa.
The author of the book is long-time PBSC member Peter Scotchmer, who is kindly donating all proceeds from the sale of the book to the PBSC. Peter was an English and E.S.L. teacher for 33 years, and until his retirement, Head of the English Department at Canterbury High School for the Arts in Ottawa. The book is available for $15.00, plus $5.00 postage and handling. To order, please contact us.